Monday, June 4, 2012


It has been a very long time I intended to write a blog on myself and my interests. Never its  late,  I decided to do it. In this series of blogs I will be discussing on various topics related to necessarily my fields of interest!!!!. Before I get to hear any thing from the readers yelling  "Yet another personal blog!!!!", I want to say that I really wanted to express my views regarding the things which come as part of our life, the instances or thoughts which have influenced me and have become a part of my life. We will discuss on various fields of  my  interest and I hope this would help someone out there and make a difference.  The topic which I may discuss in the forth coming series could be things related to heath and nutrition, technology, personal development, sports, photography, investments and business ideas, music and so on.

Hey wait !!! Did you notice why I mentioned above as "so on". Yes, this list is not limited, if we find any new things which can discussed I will add to this blog. I believe sky is the limit for knowledge. We can learn something or the other from all the things all around us. So let's keep our eyes wide open!!!!

I formally invite all the readers to "Banala Says". I hope this would be really bring some or other positive change to make life a bit more beautiful.

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